Gut Health Quiz Results

Your gut: Needs improvement!

Thank you for taking the time to complete our Gut Health Quiz. We understand the importance of optimal digestion for your overall well-being, and we’re here to provide you with insights into your results!

Based on your responses, it appears that your digestive health is currently in a state of concern. Poor digestion can significantly impact various aspects of your life, from your energy levels and nutrient absorption to your overall comfort and well-being. It’s not just about occasional discomfort; it’s about setting the foundation for a healthier future.


Your gut quiz results suggest there are some areas for improvement as indicated below:


Any amount of bloating where your stomach sticks out and looks distended is not normal.  Bloating can be caused by deficiencies in stomach acid and/or digestive enzymes, by foods that can be irritating to the gut (sensitivities), and by an imbalance in the bacteria in the digestive tract (dysbiosis).  


Gas, whether from the top or bottom, is often caused by foods not getting properly digested in the digestive tract often due to deficiencies in bile and/or digestive enzymes.  

Indigestion After Meals

The sensation of food just sitting there like a rock in your stomach, known as indigestion, is not normal and an indigestion of food not properly broken down in the digestive tract. This is often due to deficiencies in stomach acid which plays an integral role in the digestion of protein and absorption of key nutrients like B12, iron, calcium and magnesium. 

Loss or Watery Stools

Having loose stools or diarrhea is a sign that something is irritating the gut, either a food or an overgrowth of bacteria. Loose watery stool can lead to dehydration and fatigue. 


Not having daily bowel movements is not normal and can lead to an imbalance in bacteria in the gut, causing dysbiosis, which can result in uncomfortable digestive symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating.    

Why Poor Digestion is a Serious Issue

Digestion is the cornerstone of your body’s ability to extract vital nutrients from the foods you consume. When your digestion is compromised, several problems can arise:

  1. Nutrient Absorption: Poor digestion can lead to inadequate absorption of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, depriving your body of what it needs to function optimally.
  2. Energy Levels: Inefficient digestion can result in feelings of fatigue and sluggishness, impacting your ability to stay active and enjoy life to the fullest.
  3. Mood and Mental Clarity: The gut-brain connection is well-documented. An unhealthy gut can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and difficulties in maintaining mental clarity.
  4. Weight Management: Balanced digestion is crucial in maintaining a healthy weight. Poor digestion might hinder your ability to manage your weight effectively.
  5. Long-Term Health: Untreated digestive issues will lead to more severe health conditions. From inflammation to immune system imbalances, the effects of poor digestion can extend far beyond your stomach.

How It Affects You Long-Term

Ignoring poor digestion can have long-term consequences that extend into various areas of your life. If left unchecked, it might lead to chronic health conditions and a decreased quality of life. We understand this can be frustrating and disheartening, but there’s good news!


I developed & designed The Gut Health Masterclass to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to transform your digestive health. As an award-winning naturopathic doctor, I am confident that this comprehensive online program will:

  • Educate you about the intricate workings of your digestive system.
  • Provide actionable steps to alleviate current discomfort and concerns.
  • Offer dietary and lifestyle recommendations to foster long-term digestive wellness.
  • Empower you with the understanding to make informed choices for your well-being.


This program follows the proprietary 4-step process I use within our clinic, combining my experience in treating digestive problems with naturopathic and functional medicine. 

The Gut Health Masterclass helps you address the causes of your digestive problems and set you up on a path toward long-term digestive and overall optimized health. 


Investing in your gut health can lead to a vibrant, energetic future

Imagine enjoying your favorite foods without worry, feeling rejuvenated each morning, and living life to its fullest potential.


Take Action Today

We invite you to take the next step towards revitalizing & optimizing your digestive health today. Enrolling in The Gut Health Masterclass, you commit to your well-being, yielding lifelong benefits.

Don’t let poor digestion hold you back any longer. Join us on this journey to optimal health and experience the transformative effects it can have on your life.

To learn more and secure your spot in The Gut Health Masterclass

Here’s to a future filled with vibrant health and boundless energy!


Your Partner in Wellness, 

Dr. Pedi Mirdamadi
Founder, The Gut Health Masterclass
Naturopathic Doctor & Functional Medicine Practitioner


























Interested in learning more?

If you are having uncomfortable digestive symptoms like gas and bloating and have been enjoying the content so far, I have something for you!

My Gut Health Masterclass which teaches you how to uncover the root causes of your digestive problems and provides you with a roadmap to support healthy digestion.

I am having such great success with the Gut Health Masterclass, and I am so excited to share it with you!

This program is based on a proprietary 4 step process that combines my clinical experience in treating digestive problems with naturopathic and functional medicine.

The Gut Health Masterclass is not only designed to help you address the causes of your digestive problems but to set you up on a path towards long term digestive and overall health.

See you inside.
-Dr. Pedi
Naturopathic Doctor & Functional Medicine Practitioner

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